MARNU designs, produces and sells high quality handmade sandals , bags and other accessories.  MARNU (hereinafter also referred to as the “Company”) is fully committed to protecting the personal data of the visitors of its website and of its customers.

We aim to inform you in advance of which personal data we collect, the way we use it, the recipients of your data and the rights you are entitled to exercise under applicable data protection laws. For the purposes of data protection legislation regarding online shopping or the collection of other data through our website, our Company is considered to be the Data Controller of your personal data. We encourage you to read carefully our Privacy Policy and the additional Cookies Policy here.


Some of the terms included in this Privacy Policy are legal terms defined by the regulatory framework. Therefore:

Processing:means any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction;

Personal Data:means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person;

Consent: means any freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of the data subject’s wishes by which he or she, by a statement or by a clear affirmative action, signifies agreement to the processing of personal data relating to him or her;

Data Controller: means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data.

The collection and processing of your personal data by MARNU is governed by the following principles as further specified by;

Lawfulness, fairness and transparency

Purpose limitation

Data minimization

Data accuracy

Storage limitation

Integrity and Confidentiality

We do everything possible to implement the above principles at all stages of interaction with you through this site.

Personal Data we collect

We collect and process your personal data solely for the purposes of fulfilling our obligations arising out of your purchases through our online store.

When you register for an account in our website, we collect personal information such as name, surname, address, telephone numbers, email addresses.

Any of the data you provide optionally are provided at your discretion in order to facilitate us improving the services we provide you. Furthermore, in case you complete your order without registering on our website, you submit your personal data which is necessary to complete your order such as full delivery address, full billing address and payment details. In case you wish to enter our online store through Facebook or Instagram, you provide (as mentioned in the separate pop up window) authorization to our website to collect the above necessary information. Additional information required to complete the order will be requested upon completion.

We also automatically collect information about how you use our services, such as the type of webpages you visit, or the frequency and duration of your activities. In addition, servers, logs, and other technologies automatically collect certain information to help us manage, protect and improve our services. We share personal information with third parties only as described in this policy or if required by applicable law.

Information we collect automatically -Cookies

We use cookies and other technologies such as web beacons, web storage and unique ad ids in order to gather information about your activity, browser and device. This data helps us to create a profile for our users. Some of these data will be aggregated or statistic, which means that we will not be able to track them individually. You may remove or reject browser cookies through settings in your browser or device. However, rejecting or removing cookies may affect the availability and functionality of our services. Please find more information about our cookies policy. We may also collect information about your device anytime you visit a website. If you are a registered account holder in our website, we may collect information from or about the computers, phones or other devices from where you connect to our services. We may correlate the information we collect from your different devices, so that we can provide you specialized services depending on the device you use. For instance, we collect:

Features, such as operating system and hardware release

Browser type and IP address

Log files: we collect log information when you use our website. This information includes:

The means you used to

Details of the device you used, such as web browser type and language

Access times

Pages displayed

Cookie-related id or other technologies that can uniquely identify your device or browser pages you visited before or after browsing our site.

How we use your personal information

The table below details what personal data we process, the scope of processing and the lawfulness of processing.

Category of personal data

Purpose for processing

Legal basis under the GDPR

Name and contact details

Delivery of purchase 

Performance of contract

Send you service messages by email or text, such as order updates

Performance of contract


Send you information by email or post about our new products or services  



Send you adverts



Payment information (we don’t store this information)  

Take payments and give refunds  

Performance of contract

Device information such as type and language of web browsing program  

Improve our website and set default options for you (such as language and currency)  

Legitimate interests of the company  

Information about your computer, your visits and the use of this Web site (eg your IP address, your location, your browser, the way the site was updated, the duration of the visit and the number views of the page).  

Statistical reasons and  for Improvement of our site  

Legitimate interests of the company  Consent

How long your personal information will be kept

We will keep your personal information as long as you are logged into our site, that is, as long as you maintain your account active or for as long as necessary to provide our services or in case of any contact you may have with our Customer Service Team. We may continue to maintain your personal data even after your account expires, respecting the principle of proportionality and only on the basis of the “absolute necessity of knowledge” to comply with legal or regulatory requirements, resolve disputes, or prevent fraud and abuse.

International Data Transfers

The information collected by the site may be stored, processed, and transferred to any of the countries in which it is active in order to facilitate the use of this information in accordance with this Policy.

Information collected by the site may also be transferred to the following countries, which do not apply data protection laws similar to those existing in the European Economic Area: United States of America, United Arab Emirates, Russia, Lebanon, Japan, China, India and Australia.

Personal information published by users or linked applications on the site or submitted for publication on the site or linked applications may be made available via the Internet worldwide. The site may not prevent the use or misuse of such information by other persons. In any case, the transfer to third countries will be made in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and any applicable Turkish law and only in full compliance with the law.

Protection of minors

Visitors / users of the site who are minors are not allowed to access the services of the site. If, however, minor users visit our site on their own, this can not be controlled and the site is not responsible. In any case, services provided through the site may only be made by using a credit card, debit card or Shopify account, and it is presumed that any purchase made by any minor is actually made with the consent of the supervised parent or guardian or commissioner.

Your rights as per the data the website collects

We inform you that you have the right of: 

Access to you data,

Correction of your data in case of any inconsistency,

Erasure of your data in specific circumstances,

Limitation of the processing of your personal data,

Objection to the processing of your personal data,

Transfer of your data to another company,

Complaint to the Privacy Authority in the event of an unfortunate violation of your data.

The site will review and respond to your requests within one month of receipt, and this deadline may be extended by a further 2 months if further time is required.

Security measures

We have taken appropriate security measures to prevent accidental loss of personal information or unauthorized use or access.

Those who process your information for the legitimate purposes explained above are subject to a confidentiality obligation.

In addition, we have procedures to deal with any data breaches.

Specifically, the site:

  • Takes every organizational and technological precaution to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of users’ personal information.
  • Stores all personal information provided by users on secure servers (password protected and firewall).
  • All online financial transactions running through the site or linked apps are protected by encryption technology.

The user acknowledges that sending information over the Internet presents inherent security concerns and therefore the company can not guarantee the security of the data being trafficked through it.

The user is responsible for keeping the password he uses to enter the site or linked applications. You will not be asked to tell us your password (except when the user connects to the site or linked apps).

According to the above, our site does not store any credit / debit card information you type when submitting your order.

It is noted that we can not guarantee the security of data, information, etc. we receive via e-mail. Therefore, you should NOT send us information and payment information by e-mail. However, if you choose to disclose your information to us, as indicatively by telephone order, you are explicitly giving us your consent to be used only for the payment of your order, and our company does not store this information at all.

Changes of this privacy notice:

The site updates this policy from time to time by publishing the new version on the site or linked apps. The user should check this page regularly to make sure he is in compliance with any changes to the terms of this Policy. MARNU may inform users about changes to this Policy (either by email or through the personal message service of the site or linked apps).