Title : Marnu Tasarım Danışmanlık A.Ş.
Central Registration : 6121553628 – Bodrum
Address : Gümüşlük Mah. 12/8 Bodrum-Muğla TURKEY
Telephone : +90 530 029 21 98
Email : [email protected]

1.2 BUYER:

Name/Surname: [fatura-isim]
Company Name: [fatura-firma]
Address: [fatura-adres]
Telephone: [telefon]
Email: [eposta]


This Consumer Preliminary Information agreement is to organize rights and obligations of the parties regarding the product that its properties and sales price are mentioned in the third article of the agreement in accordance with Consumer Protection Law No. 6502 and Regulation on Distance Agreements.


The name, model, type, quantity, brand/model, color, sales value and mode of payment and other sales characteristics of the of the product purchased are as follows.

3.1. Product Information:

Cart amount: [sepet-tutar]
Tax amount: [vergi-tutar]
Total Amount: [toplam-tutar]


4.1 The Seller obliged to fulfil the order within a maximum 30 days from the day the placing order by the buyer.

4.2 The product shall be sent to the delivery address of the Buyer mentioned in the order form through contracted cargo company. In case of failure to find the address (mentioned by the Buyer) to which the product was sent by the Seller and it does not reach to the Buyer, all responsibility shall be belonging to the Buyer and the seller shall be deemed to have fully and completely fulfilled his/her performance regarding the performance of the product.

4.3 In the event that the fulfilment of the product ordered is impossible, the Seller informs the Buyer regarding the situation and returns the product amount and/or all kinds of document that binds the Buyer within 14 days.

4.4 In the event that the Seller may not procure the contractual product with a justifiable reason, provided that he informs the Buyer in writing, may suggest replacing it with another product in equal quality and price.


5.1. The Buyer may use right of withdrawal within 14 (fourteen) days from the delivery of the contractual product / services to himself or the person / institution at the address indicated.

5.2. In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, it should be informed to the customer services of the seller through e-mail or by phone within the same period and the goods/service should not be used pursuant to the provisions of Article 15 and in accordance with preliminary information published in themarnu.com website which is being integral part of this agreement.

5.3. If this right is exercised, it is compulsory to return the original invoice for the goods/services delivered to the third party or the buyer.

5.4. The goods/service amount is returned to the buyer within 14 days following the receipt of the notice regarding the right of withdrawal and goods/services are returned within 10 (ten) days. If the original invoice is not sent, VAT and if any, other legal obligations may not be returned to the buyer. The delivery charge of the goods/service returned due to right of withdrawal is covered by the Seller.


6.1 All rights and obligations mentioned in this preliminary information form and validity period of commitments including price is valid as of submission date of the preliminary information form to the Buyer in electronic environment. If the buyer does not place an order at the end of the two-hour period, the prices and commitments of all products mentioned in the information form may be readjusted by the Seller.

6.2 In accordance with the Preliminary Information Form, Distance Sales Agreement performed between the parties in electronic environment, Distance Agreements Regulation and Regulation on Service Providers and Intermediary Service Providers in Electronic Commerce, the records shall be kept in the digital environment on the Seller’s system for 3 years, if the Buyer requests, he may access to these agreements.

6.3 The commercial Electronic E-Mails may be sent to you for marketing and promotional purposes through your electronic mail, telephone and/or mobile phone that you have given to the Seller when became a member in accordance with the Law No. 6563 and Regulation on Commercial Communications and Commercial Electronic E-Mails. The Buyer has right to disenroll from these mail list free of charge at any time and not to receive mails for marketing and information purposes.

6.4 The Seller keeps all approval records of the Buyer related to sending e-mail of the for marketing and promotion purposes for one year as of expiry date of the approval and other records related to the commercial electronic e-mails for one year as of date of registration.

6.5 If the Buyer makes a material error in data entry while placing the order, he has right to see the order summary, correct and change it as mentioned in the system before confirming the order.

6.6 Your personal data registered in the system due to this agreement shall not be shared in any manner with 3rd party/parties out of your consent except in cases of statutory obligation and/or request of legal authorities and/or initiating the legal procedure by the Seller. The website keeps IP log records of the users within the time limits stipulated by law when required in order to define the problems and technical problems that may arise on the website and able to solve the irregular shopping and/or other problems. Except this, if requested by the legal authorities, the data regarding the user and contractual service and/or product is shared with the relevant organizations and/or institutions.

6.7 In cases where the payment is made by credit card without issuing expenditure document, if the card is used unlawfully by someone else; the transaction is made in accordance with the provisions of Bank Cards and Credit Cards Law dated 23/2/2006 and No. 5464 and Regulation on Bank Cards and Credit Cards published in the Official Gazette dated 10/3/2007 and No. 26458.

6.8 The Buyer may apply to the Arbitration Committee For Consumer Problems and /or competent Consumer Courts in the place where the Buyer has purchased the product or he resides for all complaints and objections arising from this agreement by considering the monetary limits determined every year in accordance with Consumer Protection Law No. 6502 and Regulation on Distance Agreements.

6.9 After this preliminary information form is read and accepted by the Buyer (Consumer) in electronic environment, the Distance Agreement shall be drawn up with the Consumer. In the event that the non- consumer purchases are performed from themarnu.com website, the relevant articles of Turkish Commercial Code and Turkish Code of Obligations instead of the provisions of Consumer Protection Law No. 6502 being basis of this agreement shall be valid.

6.10 In the event that the non- consumer purchases are performed from themarnu.com website, the relevant articles of Turkish Commercial Code and Turkish Code of Obligations instead of the provisions of Consumer Protection Law No. 6502 being basis of this agreement shall be valid.

6.11 In the event that the non- consumer purchases are performed from themarnu.com website, the relevant articles of the Code of Obligations and Commercial Code shall be valid in the provisions on default.